Activating blood and nourishing the brain

Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Ingredient: Female ginseng 250mg, Gingko biloba extract 100mg

Uses: Support blood circulation, enhance cerebral blood circulation, help improve symptoms caused by cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Support to improve symptoms after cerebrovascular accident due to embolism.
User: Used for people with cerebral circulatory insufficiency with symptoms: fatigue, headache, trouble sleeping, facial flowers, dizziness, anxiety and fatigue; vestibular syndrome, neck and shoulder pain, numbness of limbs. People after cerebrovascular accident due to embolism.
Indication: Mix each sachet with about 100 -150ml of warm water, stir until dissolved and drink. Drink 1 sachet/time, 2-3 times/day.
Shelf life: 36 months               Package: 1.5g x 20 sachets/box

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